Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given by the City of Centerville that a Petition has been filed by Pat and Kim Sees along with Don and Jean Smith, that a public street currently situated between lot 4 Block 7 and lot 3 Block 2 of Meiter’s Addition to Centerville, Turner County, South Dakota, be vacated because it has not been used or maintained for over twenty (20) years or used for public purposes. A public hearing shall be held by the Centerville City Council on the 17th day of March 2025, at 5:30 p.m. All persons interested may attend and give comment at said public hearing.

Notice is hereby given by the City of Centerville that a Petition has been filed by Dale and Sherrie Knudson along with Audrey Olsen, that a public street currently situated between lots 1 & 2 Block 8 and lots 1 & 2 blk 1 of Meiter’s Addition to Centerville, Turner County, South Dakota, be vacated because it has not been used or maintained for over twenty (20) years or used for public purposes. A public hearing shall be held by the Centerville City Council on the 17th day of March 2025, at 5:30 p.m. All persons interested may attend and give comment at said public hearing.

Publish March 6, 2025 & March 13, 2025



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing body, sitting as a Review Board of Equalization for The City of Centerville, Turner County, South Dakota, will meet at City Hall 741 Main Street in said taxing jurisdiction on the 17th day of March, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said taxing district for the year, 2025.

All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment are required to notify the clerk of the local board no later than March 13, 2025 of their intention to appeal their assessment. Please include a phone number so we can reach you regarding the appeal.

Kristin J. Voegeli

Finance Officer

City of Centerville

Publish March 6th and 13th